Friday, February 4, 2011

Guatemala Tour Itinerary

This year, Darlene Kaboni, OPSEU member, will be traveling with Luisa Quarta, OPSEU Campaigns Officer to Guatemala.  

From February 6-15 we will be sharing our impressions and reports on the work of Horizon partner organizations on the ground through this blog.

Here’s a bit about us:

Darlene: I am a First Nations woman from the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve on Manitoulin Island. I work as a support staff at Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology for Wabnode, Centre for Aboriginal Services in Sudbury. I’m a shop steward and our Local’s newsletter editor. The indigenous people of Guatemala make up about half of the country’s population and their struggles are very similar to those that many of our First Nations people and communities face in Canada. I am looking forward to visiting Guatemala and learning about the culture and language of the Mayan people and to bring awareness of their struggles not only to our membership but to other unions and the general public.

Luisa: My interest in Central America emerged out of my participation in movements against the North American Free Trade Agreement. I’ve never been to Central America before and I look forward to reporting on the inspiring work that is being done by Mayan partner organizations to strengthen civil society and to fight for human rights.  I look forward to trying out my Spanish which I learned years ago when living with coffee growers of La Esperanza cooperative in the mountains of the Dominican Republic.

Check out our itinerary:

February 7
Presentation by the Central American Feminist Network against Violence towards Women: Femicide in Guatemala; 

Feb. 8
Overview of the socio-economic and political context in Guatemala
Presentation on human rights in Guatemala and the role of Canada

Feb. 9
Arrival in Cantel and meeting with 40 Mayan midwives and members of the Health Committee Guatemalan Intercultural Highlands Association (AMIGAS)

Feb. 10
Visit San Andres Xecul and meeting with community working with PIES
Partner in Charge: Association for Health, Promotion, Research and
Education (PIES de Occidente)

Presentation about role of Canada in Guatemala by Valerie Croft, Intern with Breaking the Silence program, working with CEIBA, Huehuetenango

Feb. 11
Visit to Cabrican school (Mam language speaking area). There will be a chance to talk to members of the community about intercultural bilingual education; visit a primary school; meet with local authorities and see key local sites.  Partner in charge: Santa María Linguistic Project (PLSM)

Feb. 12
Meeting with the Board for Natural Resources
Visit the forest; plant nurseries from 48 hamlets located in Xol pachec
Partner in charge: Centre for Indigenous Studies and Education (CEEI)


  1. Sounds great - can't wait to read more.

  2. That’s quite a busy schedule! Looking forward to reading your comments. Happy blogging!
